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Exchange Integration Guide

This describes how to integrate Aptos and Aptos assets into an exchange. It provides generic information for tracking balances, transferring assets, and testing the integration.


This document will guide you through the following tasks to integrate with Aptos:

  • Infrastructure
  • Address standards
  • Asset standards
  • Retrieving balances
  • Tracking balance changes
  • Transferring assets
  • Testing the integration


It’s suggested that you run your own full node to interact with the Aptos blockchain. This will allow you to query the blockchain for the latest state and submit transactions. You can also use the Indexer to query for on-chain data efficiently.

Address Standards


A single address can be represented in three ways. We recommend you show all leading zeros, and the 0x. Here is an example of all three representations for the framework address 0x1:

  • 0x00000000000000000000000000000001 - A full representation of 32-bytes in hex with a leading 0x. This is preferred.
  • 0x1 - The short representation of the address with a leading 0x. This is kept around for compatibility, but preferred with all leading 0s.
  • 00000000000000000000000000000001 - A full representation of 32-bytes in hex without a leading 0x. This is kept around for compatibility, but preferred with leading 0x.

For example SDKs will handle this parsing automatically, and we suggest you use the SDKs directly to handle it for you.

import { AccountAddress } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
const address = AccountAddress.from("0x1");
address.toStringLong(); // 0x00000000000000000000000000000001

There is additionally, Aptos Name Service (ANS) for friendly .apt names. For more information about addresses and Aptos Names, see our page on Accounts.

Account Standards

Accounts must exist prior to sending a transaction to the blockchain. This is done by creating an account resource, which can be created by simply calling 0x1::aptos_account::transfer with a zero amount to the account you want to create. Optionally, 0x1::aptos_account::create_account can be used to create an account with a zero balance.

import { Aptos, Ed25519Account, Ed25519PrivateKey } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
const aptos = new Aptos();
const account = new Ed25519Account({privateKey: new Ed25519PrivateKey("private key")})
const transaction = await aptos.transferCoinTransaction({sender: account.accountAddress, recipient: "receiver address", amount: 100000000})
const pendingTransaction = await aptos.transaction.signAndSubmitTransaction({signer: account, transaction})
const committedTransaction = await aptos.waitForTransaction({transactionHash: pendingTransaction.hash});

Asset Standards

Aptos provides two standards for fungible tokens, similar to ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum:

Additionally, there is a migratory period for assets from Coin to Fungible Asset standards. We will call this from now on migrated coins. Migrated coins may have two forms, but either can be used interchangeably with Coin standards. This is important to note when querying balances, to use coin functions and not fungible asset functions. The FA standard can only deal with the FA form.

APT, the native token of Aptos, is a migrated coin. This means it can be used with both the Coin and Fungible Asset standards.

Coin Standard (tl;dr)

A coin has an associated contract that holds the on-chain struct that represents the coin. The coin is represented as a struct name e.g. 0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin for APT.

All coins are stored in an account resource called 0x1::coin::CoinStore<CoinType>. Coins must be registered prior to using the CoinStore, but if using the proper functions e.g. 0x1::aptos_account::transfer or 0x1::aptos_account::transfer_coins<CoinType>, this will be done automatically.

Coins can be migrated to a fungible asset. In order to support a migrated asset, continue calling the coin functions as will be mentioned later.

More info can be found at: Coin Standard

Fungible Asset Standard (tl;dr)

A fungible asset has an associated metadata address that holds the metadata for the fungible asset. This is commonly called the fa metadata address. The asset is represented as an address e.g. 0xA for APT.

All fungible assets are stored in an object, which is called a fungible asset store.

For exchanges, the most important store is primary_fungible_store, which is the default store for fungible assets. This is directly connected to an owner. From this point on in this guide, we will only talk about supporting primary_fungible_store for fungible assets.

More info can be found at: Fungible Asset Standard

Retrieving Balances

Retrieving current balances for assets are different for each standard. Integration is considered complete when it can handle both.

Balances are always returned in their subunits. For example, APT is returned in octas (1e-8 APT). So, when an API returns a balance of 100000000, this is 1 APT. If it returns 100, this is 0.000001 APT.

Coin (and migrated coins) Balances

Note: This includes APT and any other coin that was migrated to a fungible asset. If the asset is a migrated coin, use this over fungible asset balance. The fungible asset balance will not include the coin portion of the balance.

To retrieve the balance of a coin, or a coin that was migrated to a fungible asset, you can use the 0x1::coin::balance<CoinType>(account address) view function. This will combine the coin and coin migrated to fungible asset balances.

import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
const coinType = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin";
const account = "0x00000000000000000000000000000001";
const [balanceStr] = await aptos.view<[string]>({
  payload: {
    function: "0x1::coin::balance",
    typeArguments: [coinType],
    functionArguments: [account]
const balance = parseInt(balanceStr, 10);

A specific ledger version (transaction height) can be provided to get the balance at that point in time. The below example shows for ledger version 1,000,000.

import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
const coinType = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin";
const account = "0x00000000000000000000000000000001";
const [balanceStr] = await aptos.view<[string]>({
  payload: {
    function: "0x1::coin::balance",
    typeArguments: [coinType],
    functionArguments: [account],
    options: {
      ledgerVersion: 1_000_000
const balance = parseInt(balanceStr, 10);

Fungible Asset Balances

To retrieve the balance of a fungible asset, you can use the 0x1::primary_fungible_store::balance<0x1::object::ObjectCore>(account address, fungible asset metadata address) view function. Note, that this will not include the balance of coins if it’s a migrated coin.

import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
const faMetadataAddress = "0xA";
const account = "0x00000000000000000000000000000001";
const [balanceStr] = await aptos.view<[string]>({
  payload: {
    function: "0x1::primary_fungible_store::balance",
    typeArguments: ["0x1::object::ObjectCore"],
    functionArguments: [account, faMetadataAddress]
const balance = parseInt(balanceStr, 10);

A specific ledger version (transaction height) can be provided to get the balance at that point in time. The below example shows for ledger version 1,000,000.

import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
const faMetadataAddress = "0xA";
const account = "0x00000000000000000000000000000001";
const [balanceStr] = await aptos.view<[string]>({
  payload: {
    function: "0x1::primary_fungible_store::balance",
    typeArguments: ["0x1::object::ObjectCore"],
    functionArguments: [account, faMetadataAddress]
  options: {
    ledgerVersion: 1_000_000
const balance = parseInt(balanceStr, 10);

Tracking Balance Changes

Balance changes can be queried in one of two ways:

  1. By watching for events that change the balance for each transaction.
  2. By querying the indexer for indexed balance change events.

In the past, it was able to use the events endpoint for an account to get the transactions that changed the balance. This is still possible, but will be deprecated in the future, and is not recommended for new integrations.

Coin Balance Changes

Coin balances are tracked as two items, write set changes, and events. Write set changes are end state of the coin balance, and events are the events that are emitted when a coin is withdrawn or deposited.

Here is an example of a coin transfer. The coin transfer can be tracked as an individual transaction here from the REST API.

We’ll break it down into a few parts:

  1. The general transaction details tell information about the transaction. The most important thing here is the transaction version is 1747361321. This gives us total order of all transactions on the blockchain. Think of it like block height, but for transactions.
Transaction Details
  "version": "1747361321",
  "hash": "0x7c56ad56c7d02bb11887e535b9f1b221626d5b0d4cb5a1ffbadc358c1db515ea",
  "state_change_hash": "0xc901b5e9e0965201e8205977720d7dea8a3709ee0d818fd5ec752cac13eaf18a",
  "event_root_hash": "0x0077cb7df9db9ee7194c489db177fe9a325bcf3f1309ea99ed934085e5592041",
  "state_checkpoint_hash": null,
  "gas_used": "999",
  "success": true,
  "vm_status": "Executed successfully",
  "accumulator_root_hash": "0xb531e918441ff0a37b49856e0f1b80c329146461582287cf9788964d25e31a68",
  1. The Write set changes are the end state of the transaction. It shows all resources that were modified by the transaction, and what it’s final state was.

In this case, we only care about coin store changes.

Coin Store Changes
  "changes": [
    "address": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
    "state_key_hash": "0xb2bfa7198457291a0e582b912be2bf8577feff08e352c9f16935a55ebd202dcc",
    "data": {
      "type": "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>",
      "data": {
        "coin": {
          "value": "903837250"
        "deposit_events": {
          "counter": "10",
          "guid": {
            "id": {
              "addr": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
              "creation_num": "2"
        "frozen": false,
        "withdraw_events": {
          "counter": "52485",
          "guid": {
            "id": {
              "addr": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
              "creation_num": "3"
    "type": "write_resource"
    "address": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
    "state_key_hash": "0xa45b7cfe18cc0ef1d6588f0f548a6a6a260d5e6bbab174507ed40cd21b7bd082",
    "data": {
      "type": "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>",
      "data": {
        "coin": {
          "value": "10"
        "deposit_events": {
          "counter": "1",
          "guid": {
            "id": {
              "addr": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
              "creation_num": "2"
        "frozen": false,
        "withdraw_events": {
          "counter": "0",
          "guid": {
            "id": {
              "addr": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
              "creation_num": "3"
    "type": "write_resource"
  1. Events are the events that were emitted by the transaction. In this case, we only care about the 0x1::coin::deposit and 0x1::coin::withdraw events.

The Coin deposit event is emitted when coins are deposited into an account. The account’s balance will increase by that amount in the field data.amoount. To determine the matching asset, you must match the guid in the deposit_events to the guid in the changes section for a CoinStore.

Coin Deposit Event
  "events": [{
    "guid": {
      "creation_number": "2",
      "account_address": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28"
    "sequence_number": "0",
    "type": "0x1::coin::DepositEvent",
    "data": {
      "amount": "10"

The Coin withdraw event is emitted when coins are withdrawn from an account. The account’s balance will decrease by that amount in the field data.amount. To determine the matching asset, you must match the guid in the deposit_events to the guid in the changes section for a CoinStore.

Coin Withdraw Event
  "events": [{
    "guid": {
      "creation_number": "3",
      "account_address": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0"
    "sequence_number": "52484",
    "type": "0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent",
    "data": {
      "amount": "10"
  1. Gas usage only is tracked for APT. There is no direct event for tracking gas, but it can be calculated from the transaction. Using the gas_used field, and the gas_unit_price field, you can calculate the total gas used. In this case, the gas_used is 999 and the gas_unit_price is 100, so the total gas deducted from the sender(0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0) is 999 * 100 = 99900 subunits Remember that the subunits are used here. The value in the gas token APT is 0.00099900 APT.
Gas Information
   "gas_used": "999",
   "max_gas_amount": "100000",
   "gas_unit_price": "100",
   "sender": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  1. Overall, you need both the events and the changes to determine the amount transferred of the account. The final balances will show in the changes alone. If you watch all of these events, you will be able to handle all possible transactions. Below is the full example of the transaction response.
Full Response
  "version": "1747361321",
  "hash": "0x7c56ad56c7d02bb11887e535b9f1b221626d5b0d4cb5a1ffbadc358c1db515ea",
  "state_change_hash": "0xc901b5e9e0965201e8205977720d7dea8a3709ee0d818fd5ec752cac13eaf18a",
  "event_root_hash": "0x0077cb7df9db9ee7194c489db177fe9a325bcf3f1309ea99ed934085e5592041",
  "state_checkpoint_hash": null,
  "gas_used": "999",
  "success": true,
  "vm_status": "Executed successfully",
  "accumulator_root_hash": "0xb531e918441ff0a37b49856e0f1b80c329146461582287cf9788964d25e31a68",
  "changes": [
  "address": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "state_key_hash": "0xb2bfa7198457291a0e582b912be2bf8577feff08e352c9f16935a55ebd202dcc",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>",
  "data": {
  "coin": {
  "value": "903837250"
  "deposit_events": {
  "counter": "10",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "creation_num": "2"
  "frozen": false,
  "withdraw_events": {
  "counter": "52485",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "creation_num": "3"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "state_key_hash": "0xa3f2635d084b3cc01ae545c96ee15901549dab594363a46bf18e3d575c83102d",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::account::Account",
  "data": {
  "authentication_key": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "coin_register_events": {
  "counter": "1",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "creation_num": "0"
  "guid_creation_num": "4",
  "key_rotation_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "creation_num": "1"
  "rotation_capability_offer": {
  "for": {
  "vec": []
  "sequence_number": "104628",
  "signer_capability_offer": {
  "for": {
  "vec": []
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "state_key_hash": "0xa45b7cfe18cc0ef1d6588f0f548a6a6a260d5e6bbab174507ed40cd21b7bd082",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>",
  "data": {
  "coin": {
  "value": "10"
  "deposit_events": {
  "counter": "1",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "creation_num": "2"
  "frozen": false,
  "withdraw_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "creation_num": "3"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "state_key_hash": "0xba04f5a13812778031f67322e9801be65a846224e46f1360a6008402fcd0e0e0",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::account::Account",
  "data": {
  "authentication_key": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "coin_register_events": {
  "counter": "1",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "creation_num": "0"
  "guid_creation_num": "4",
  "key_rotation_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28",
  "creation_num": "1"
  "rotation_capability_offer": {
  "for": {
  "vec": []
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "signer_capability_offer": {
  "for": {
  "vec": []
  "type": "write_resource"
  "state_key_hash": "0x6e4b28d40f98a106a65163530924c0dcb40c1349d3aa915d108b4d6cfc1ddb19",
  "handle": "0x1b854694ae746cdbd8d44186ca4929b2b337df21d1c74633be19b2710552fdca",
  "key": "0x0619dc29a0aac8fa146714058e8dd6d2d0f3bdf5f6331907bf91f3acd81e6935",
  "value": "0x9f9835f429758d010000000000000000",
  "data": null,
  "type": "write_table_item"
  "sender": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0",
  "sequence_number": "104627",
  "max_gas_amount": "100000",
  "gas_unit_price": "100",
  "expiration_timestamp_secs": "1727826277",
  "payload": {
  "function": "0x1::aptos_account::transfer",
  "type_arguments": [],
  "arguments": [
  "type": "entry_function_payload"
  "signature": {
  "public_key": "0xfd448fada2bac29c5f3213277e001ca8851d5644578e79484b0426c41357a457",
  "signature": "0x40d8a6ee9150aa5736bee23ce1b1b851790bc0aa7e2485c0760d5808027040a2ef4170b88962867b045197576c5e89a4c640bf43586e6b3ead2b510b59acc20a",
  "type": "ed25519_signature"
  "events": [
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "0",
  "account_address": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::account::CoinRegisterEvent",
  "data": {
  "type_info": {
  "account_address": "0x1",
  "module_name": "0x6170746f735f636f696e",
  "struct_name": "0x4170746f73436f696e"
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "3",
  "account_address": "0x559d4f690c683fca7c539237aa8dc4c6ec09886b7016bf66f2cdeffef55468f0"
  "sequence_number": "52484",
  "type": "0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent",
  "data": {
  "amount": "10"
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "2",
  "account_address": "0x5d6233bb8d7f8bd714af196339e9fb3104c9d66f38867b2a0585c4f7b9d04d28"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::coin::DepositEvent",
  "data": {
  "amount": "10"
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "0",
  "account_address": "0x0"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::transaction_fee::FeeStatement",
  "data": {
  "execution_gas_units": "6",
  "io_gas_units": "5",
  "storage_fee_octas": "98800",
  "storage_fee_refund_octas": "0",
  "total_charge_gas_units": "999"
  "timestamp": "1727825677775812",
  "type": "user_transaction"

Fungible Asset Balance Changes

For fungible assets, the balance changes are tracked in the primary_fungible_store. The primary fungible store address is deterministic, and will always be tracked by the owner of the store.

An example:

There are a few steps when tracking fungible assets:

  1. There will be two types of events for fungible assets. 0x1::fungible_asset::Deposit and 0x1::fungible_asset::Withdraw.

Withdraw events are similar to the coin events, where the balance will decrease by the amount in the data.amount field. And similarly Deposit events will increase the balance by the amount in the data.amount field.

Note that, I’ve omitted the sequence number, and GUID fields, as they do not apply to module events.

Each event has a store field, which in this case is 0x8a9d57692a9d4deb1680eaf107b83c152436e10f7bb521143fa403fa95ef76a. This is the address of the FungibleStore for the asset, where the balance is stored. Note this, for the next step.

Fungible Asset Events
  "events": [
      "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::Withdraw",
      "data": {
        "amount": "1",
        "store": "0x8a9d57692a9d4deb1680eaf107b83c152436e10f7bb521143fa403fa95ef76a"
      "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::Deposit",
      "data": {
        "amount": "1",
        "store": "0x8a9d57692a9d4deb1680eaf107b83c152436e10f7bb521143fa403fa95ef76a"
  1. Next, we take a look at the 0x1::fungible_asset::FungibleStore changes. This will show the end state of the balance for the fungible asset. The balance is in the data.balance field. The address field will match the store field from the events. The identifier of the fungible asset, is the metadata field. It is the address of the metadata for the fungible asset.

Additionally, to figure out the actual owner of the assets, you will need to look at the owner of the store. In this case, you will need the 0x1::object::ObjectCore, where the address field matches the store field from the events. The owner field will show the asset owner’s address.

Fungible Asset Changes
      "address": "0x8a9d57692a9d4deb1680eaf107b83c152436e10f7bb521143fa403fa95ef76a",
      "state_key_hash": "0x5b587931247dd5b43874ab29c3305c0ee7d26e7571fed3aea409375530e3a62c",
      "data": {
        "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::FungibleStore",
        "data": {
          "balance": "126691270443",
          "frozen": false,
          "metadata": {
            "inner": "0x2ebb2ccac5e027a87fa0e2e5f656a3a4238d6a48d93ec9b610d570fc0aa0df12"
      "type": "write_resource"
      "address": "0x8a9d57692a9d4deb1680eaf107b83c152436e10f7bb521143fa403fa95ef76a",
      "state_key_hash": "0x5b587931247dd5b43874ab29c3305c0ee7d26e7571fed3aea409375530e3a62c",
      "data": {
        "type": "0x1::object::ObjectCore",
        "data": {
          "allow_ungated_transfer": false,
          "guid_creation_num": "1125899906842628",
          "owner": "0xc67545d6f3d36ed01efc9b28cbfd0c1ae326d5d262dd077a29539bcee0edce9e",
          "transfer_events": {
            "counter": "0",
            "guid": {
              "id": {
                "addr": "0x8a9d57692a9d4deb1680eaf107b83c152436e10f7bb521143fa403fa95ef76a",
                "creation_num": "1125899906842624"
      "type": "write_resource"

Coins migrated to Fungible Asset Balance Changes

For coins migrated to fungible assets, it is just simply tracking of the two above. A coin migrated to a fungible asset will have both the coin store changes and the primary fungible asset store changes. The amounts would need to be aggregated together, and otherwise, handled as a coin.

The Fungible asset metadata address is the hash of the coin type and 0xA

address = sha3_256(0xA | coin_type | 0xFE)

Here is an example of a migrated coin with APT:

Full response
  "version": "1642580695",
  "hash": "0xe67ba1c4242d5c1de42eb8419558c4edf2318e185a3940a00f4150b519d06508",
  "state_change_hash": "0x07c5ec97afdf731c2778fccb37fe209369b28dcf6dcf11c3cf13b83c962f7f96",
  "event_root_hash": "0xad349cbea90bef601dfae9df822f5698af296951fc5f94359fcacc1e69e9fa3d",
  "state_checkpoint_hash": null,
  "gas_used": "545",
  "success": true,
  "vm_status": "Executed successfully",
  "accumulator_root_hash": "0x88e81bde70f32a86e46b288a917a44b2868a46973fac7fad16b5e780f48b0e67",
  "changes": [
  "address": "0xa",
  "state_key_hash": "0x1db5441d8fa4229c5844f73fd66da4ad8176cb8793d8b3a7f6ca858722030043",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::coin::PairedCoinType",
  "data": {
  "type": {
  "account_address": "0x1",
  "module_name": "0x6170746f735f636f696e",
  "struct_name": "0x4170746f73436f696e"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0xa",
  "state_key_hash": "0x1db5441d8fa4229c5844f73fd66da4ad8176cb8793d8b3a7f6ca858722030043",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::coin::PairedFungibleAssetRefs",
  "data": {
  "burn_ref_opt": {
  "vec": [
  "metadata": {
  "inner": "0xa"
  "mint_ref_opt": {
  "vec": [
  "metadata": {
  "inner": "0xa"
  "transfer_ref_opt": {
  "vec": [
  "metadata": {
  "inner": "0xa"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0xa",
  "state_key_hash": "0x1db5441d8fa4229c5844f73fd66da4ad8176cb8793d8b3a7f6ca858722030043",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::ConcurrentSupply",
  "data": {
  "current": {
  "max_value": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
  "value": "47948384"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0xa",
  "state_key_hash": "0x1db5441d8fa4229c5844f73fd66da4ad8176cb8793d8b3a7f6ca858722030043",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::Metadata",
  "data": {
  "decimals": 8,
  "icon_uri": "",
  "name": "Aptos Coin",
  "project_uri": "",
  "symbol": "APT"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0xa",
  "state_key_hash": "0x1db5441d8fa4229c5844f73fd66da4ad8176cb8793d8b3a7f6ca858722030043",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::object::ObjectCore",
  "data": {
  "allow_ungated_transfer": true,
  "guid_creation_num": "1125899906842625",
  "owner": "0x1",
  "transfer_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0xa",
  "creation_num": "1125899906842624"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0xa",
  "state_key_hash": "0x1db5441d8fa4229c5844f73fd66da4ad8176cb8793d8b3a7f6ca858722030043",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::primary_fungible_store::DeriveRefPod",
  "data": {
  "metadata_derive_ref": {
  "self": "0xa"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x7ed92ce166e251fc133f6b4d46a6b41307962e3b6864c2231110b3808648188",
  "state_key_hash": "0x5ce89e323a23fb5570694dfb687d474d44563638c5ef774a2364d8347f5732b8",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::coin::MigrationFlag",
  "data": {
  "dummy_field": false
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x7ed92ce166e251fc133f6b4d46a6b41307962e3b6864c2231110b3808648188",
  "state_key_hash": "0x5ce89e323a23fb5570694dfb687d474d44563638c5ef774a2364d8347f5732b8",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::FungibleStore",
  "data": {
  "balance": "37949184",
  "frozen": false,
  "metadata": {
  "inner": "0xa"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x7ed92ce166e251fc133f6b4d46a6b41307962e3b6864c2231110b3808648188",
  "state_key_hash": "0x5ce89e323a23fb5570694dfb687d474d44563638c5ef774a2364d8347f5732b8",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::object::ObjectCore",
  "data": {
  "allow_ungated_transfer": false,
  "guid_creation_num": "1125899906842625",
  "owner": "0xa746e980ae21949a4f084db7403430f00bce3c9a1da4101ffcf0bf45ebd35e7e",
  "transfer_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x7ed92ce166e251fc133f6b4d46a6b41307962e3b6864c2231110b3808648188",
  "creation_num": "1125899906842624"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x8a4613c356c21a45045e06dcc404bfee363aabd65a774d4d43defd71289239b2",
  "state_key_hash": "0x7c2d6e31d4ac5bbf93e19412437c0c288766b240674f71f457b9e3ef68be5003",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::FungibleStore",
  "data": {
  "balance": "10000",
  "frozen": false,
  "metadata": {
  "inner": "0xa"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0x8a4613c356c21a45045e06dcc404bfee363aabd65a774d4d43defd71289239b2",
  "state_key_hash": "0x7c2d6e31d4ac5bbf93e19412437c0c288766b240674f71f457b9e3ef68be5003",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::object::ObjectCore",
  "data": {
  "allow_ungated_transfer": false,
  "guid_creation_num": "1125899906842625",
  "owner": "0x5",
  "transfer_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0x8a4613c356c21a45045e06dcc404bfee363aabd65a774d4d43defd71289239b2",
  "creation_num": "1125899906842624"
  "type": "write_resource"
  "address": "0xa746e980ae21949a4f084db7403430f00bce3c9a1da4101ffcf0bf45ebd35e7e",
  "state_key_hash": "0xfb7c1f2762da89f00a222f93bd771b478edb4361475c4a518178564be8616dd6",
  "data": {
  "type": "0x1::account::Account",
  "data": {
  "authentication_key": "0xa746e980ae21949a4f084db7403430f00bce3c9a1da4101ffcf0bf45ebd35e7e",
  "coin_register_events": {
  "counter": "14",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0xa746e980ae21949a4f084db7403430f00bce3c9a1da4101ffcf0bf45ebd35e7e",
  "creation_num": "0"
  "guid_creation_num": "44",
  "key_rotation_events": {
  "counter": "0",
  "guid": {
  "id": {
  "addr": "0xa746e980ae21949a4f084db7403430f00bce3c9a1da4101ffcf0bf45ebd35e7e",
  "creation_num": "1"
  "rotation_capability_offer": {
  "for": {
  "vec": []
  "sequence_number": "52",
  "signer_capability_offer": {
  "for": {
  "vec": []
  "type": "write_resource"
  "sender": "0xa746e980ae21949a4f084db7403430f00bce3c9a1da4101ffcf0bf45ebd35e7e",
  "sequence_number": "51",
  "max_gas_amount": "817",
  "gas_unit_price": "100",
  "expiration_timestamp_secs": "1724196316",
  "payload": {
  "function": "0x1::primary_fungible_store::transfer",
  "type_arguments": [
  "arguments": [
  "inner": "0xa"
  "type": "entry_function_payload"
  "signature": {
  "public_key": "0x330e75a102e37270b788caee8dd819e5badedd5fa17fe9f72017732e9bb98c60",
  "signature": "0xd4666df2887cf2d8192230e4a03d842ea75a86ffbc46a9a16a9baede6ff646c6b2bcafc524d3a4a7a66c223b5db576beb5cfefbd549620e69097c0a364c7a800",
  "type": "ed25519_signature"
  "events": [
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "0",
  "account_address": "0x0"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::Withdraw",
  "data": {
  "amount": "10000",
  "store": "0x7ed92ce166e251fc133f6b4d46a6b41307962e3b6864c2231110b3808648188"
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "0",
  "account_address": "0x0"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::Deposit",
  "data": {
  "amount": "10000",
  "store": "0x8a4613c356c21a45045e06dcc404bfee363aabd65a774d4d43defd71289239b2"
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "0",
  "account_address": "0x0"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::fungible_asset::Withdraw",
  "data": {
  "amount": "54500",
  "store": "0x7ed92ce166e251fc133f6b4d46a6b41307962e3b6864c2231110b3808648188"
  "guid": {
  "creation_number": "0",
  "account_address": "0x0"
  "sequence_number": "0",
  "type": "0x1::transaction_fee::FeeStatement",
  "data": {
  "execution_gas_units": "6",
  "io_gas_units": "7",
  "storage_fee_octas": "53240",
  "storage_fee_refund_octas": "0",
  "total_charge_gas_units": "545"
  "timestamp": "1724196287102837",
  "type": "user_transaction"

Transferring Assets

Coin (or migrated coin) Transfers

APT, the native token of Aptos, is a migrated coin. Please use the aptos_account::transfer functions to transfer APT tokens.

We suggest you use 0x1::aptos_account::transfer_coins<CoinType>(receiver address, amount) for transferring coins. It will register the coin if it hasn’t been registered yet, and create the associated account if it hasn’t been created yet. This will continue to work with any coins that were migrated to a fungible asset, including APT.

Coins can be transferred in the following ways:

Fungible Asset Transfers

We suggest you use 0x1::primary_fungible_store::transfer<0x1::object::ObjectCore>(receiver address, amount) for transferring fungible assets. It will send the associated fungible asset, and create a primary store for the asset if it hasn’t been created yet.


Note: This will not create an account for the user if it hasn’t been created yet. You will need to call 0x1::aptos_account::create_account(account address) to create the account before the user can submit transactions.


In order to check that everything is working correctly, we’ve provided these checks.

Balance Checks

To test balance checks, you can check the balance for the account 0x5 for the asset 0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin. The balance should show 0.002 APT, where 0.001 APT is a coin, and 0.001 APT is a migrated coin (fungible asset).

If your balance is not correct, see Coin and Migrated Coin Balances for more information.

Balance Change / Transfer Checks

Check Coin Transfer

To test a transfer, create a transaction to transfer 0.001 APT to another account. The transaction should be successful, and the balance should be updated, where the balance is 0.001 APT smaller and minus the gas cost associated.

Check Fungible Asset Transfer

To test a transfer, you can fund an account with the fungible asset here and then transfer the fungible asset to another account. The balance should be updated according to the change, and you should be able to track the mint on the website.


What is the finality of a transaction?

Aptos uses a BFT consensus algorithm, so transactions are finalized immediately after committing to the blockchain.

What is the transaction fee on a transaction?

Transaction fees are variable, but for most cases here are fixed. Check out simulating transactions to get an idea of the fee.